Late Application Submission RequestLoading...The February 3rd Priority Application Deadline has passed for new incoming freshmen and Oregon State University in Corvallis is no longer accepting freshman applications for the Summer or Fall 2025 terms due to capacity constraints in our residence halls. However, new freshmen that would normally be exempt from our first year live-on policy may still be able to apply with the understanding that there will not be guaranteed on-campus housing available to them. The following form is designed to help you determine if you are qualified to apply for admission to the Corvallis campus for the upcoming Summer or Fall 2025 terms. Please answer the following questions truthfully, as they are subject to verification if you can apply and are admissible. If you qualify to apply, you’ll be given further instructions on how to do so. Note that being qualified to apply late in no way guarantees admission and OSU will continue to evaluate your application holistically on a space available basis. General Information* Indicates a required field.First Name*Last Name*Email*Permanent Address*Permanent Address*CountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeHigh School Graduation Date*High School Graduation Date*JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303120012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026Address within RadiusGraduation more than a year agoBased on your address, it appears you are eligible to request a deadline override. You will be allowed to apply at this time. If admitted, you will not be offered on-campus housing.Based on your graduation date, it appears you are eligible to request a deadline override. You will be allowed to apply at this time. If admitted, you will not be offered on-campus housing.Based on your answers, you are not eligible to apply for the OSU Corvallis campus for Summer or Fall 2025, but there does remain an option to apply through our Degree Partnership Program.The Degree Partnership Program (DPP) is designed for students who wish to enroll at OSU – either now, or in the future – but who also want to enroll at a participating community college. Participation in DPP ensures your credit is transferred regularly, you don’t need to reapply when you come to OSU, you have access to OSU advising and degree planning tools, and your financial aid is coordinated if you are dual-enrolled. If you are unfamiliar with the many benefits of DPP participation, learn more here.I intend to apply to the DPP program, and will take less than 50% of my registered courses at OSUI do not intend to apply to the DPP programBased on your intent to apply to the Degree Partnership Program (DPP), it appears you are eligible to request a deadline override. You will be able to apply at this time. If admitted, however, you will not be offered on-campus housing.Override Term Requested*Summer 2025Fall 2025Based on your answers we are not able to accommodate your application for admission to our OSU campus in Corvallis for the Summer or Fall 2025 terms. Please review this site for information about alternative ways to enroll through OSU.I understand that if I am admitted to OSU, housing will not be available to me through OSU.*Submit